Monday, July 30, 2012

Gaming is Everywhere YouTube Video

I have finally posted another YouTube video starring my production assistant, Yellow Meeple! His latest adventure is about how gamers see their games everywhere!


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Achievement Unlocked?!

Although I have played some video and computer games, I am super excited about the PS3 Trophy App. Why?! (Warning: Nerd Alert.) So I can make my own achievements. I like this app better than Xbox based Achievement Generator App because it allows you to add your own picture. I am having way too much fun with it!

Board games don't really have "achievements" unless you are playing in an tournament or you have a high score list as part of some House Rules. I like the idea of coming up with achievements. For hardcore gamers, we want more than just to win the game. Achievements are the next level after winning.

Now I know some people are not keen on the iOS Game Center achievements. A lot the games I play on my iPhone are games I started out playing in actual board game form. The achievements allow me to experience these in a different way.

Board gamers, what is your take on achievements.

Friday, July 27, 2012

WBC Preparations- How many tournaments is too many?

Some people come to WBC to play intournaments.  Others come just toplay games, either in the tournaments or in open gaming.

There is no limit to how many tournaments in whichyou are allowed to play.  The onlylimit is that you can’t play in more than one tournament at the exact sametime.

Now with the expanded open gaming area, playing intournaments is not the only way to play games at WBC.

Personally I began attending this conventionplaying in more tournaments. As the open gaming space grew, so did my interestin open gaming.  It is a great wayto learn new games, play newly bought games, or beat someone in an oldfavorite.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WBC Preparations- What Games Should I bring?

Even as a veteran attendee, I still find it hard to decide what games to bring.

1. Bring any games that you plan to play in the tournament.  This is critical! If they run out of boards to play on, you will not be able to play in the tournament. Bringing a game is the best way to guarantee you will get to play in the tournament.

2. Any games that you love to play, but usually do not have enough players to play at home.

3. Any games that you love to play in general.

4. Leave space for new games! Seriously! Don’t bring too many games that you can’t fit new games in your car.

Monday, July 23, 2012

WBC Preparations- Background & Tournaments

A week from now there the World Boardgaming Championship (WBC) begins!!!

WBC is a tournament hosted by the Boardgame Players Association every year since 1999.  WBC first began as Avalon Con from 1991 to 1998 by the Avalon Hill game publisher. Although mainly East coasters attend WBC, there are gamers from CA, Canada and even Europe who attend. Total number of attendees is usually around 1,500.

WBC is a tournament where gamers compete for a wooden plaque (insert wood jokes here) in their favorite games. There are usually about 100 different gaming events. This is in addition to open gaming space.  The open gaming space includes a game library, where gamers can borrow a game. There are also kiosks where you can advertise that you need more gamers, want to learn a new game, etc.  The convention also includes a demo area where Rio Grande Games has staff on hand to teach you their latest games.  Starting on Saturday, vendors are available to sell you the latest games, as well as old favorites. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

House Rules

Whether it’s Poker, Euro Games, or even chess, most gaming family have gaming house rules. 

Some of the rules are about the games themselves.  In my family we had assigned colors. My dad would always play red. No matter what game we played (unless the game happened to not have red.) Sometimes it would be the youngest player goes first no matter what.  I have even heard of people doing “do over” rules.

In my family we had a lot of rules around food and gaming. You have an eating hand and a playing hand, and you don’t mix the two. This was very important for pizza.  And don’t even think about spilling your drink. Yes we were that hardcore.

What are your gaming house rules? Do you have special foods that are required at your gaming sessions?

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Back in the day games didn’t have expansions. There was just the game. Sure you could modify the rules, make your own cards, etc. but there was nothing official. The game maker may even have a theme to their games, but the game was what it was.

In more recent times (starting with perhaps Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne?), expansions have basically become a requirement.   Sure for some games this can be good, but in the end there are always expansions that seem half-assed, too outrageous, break the game, etc.

One good example of this would be St. Petersburg, specifically the Banquet mini-expansion more so than the New Society.   The Banquet added special powers to the game, which I think broke the game. St. Petersburg did not need special powers. This modifies the game too much. At least the New Society’s additional cards attempted to fix some broken elements of the base game by replacing some of the cards like the Mistress.  Allowing for a fifth player was unnecessary though.

On the flip side, I love the Small World expansions… mostly.  (Partly I love the expansions, because I love the game itself so much.) The expansions with the new Races and Powers, like Be Not Afraid, Cursed! And the Grand Dames, are fantastic.  Tales and Legends were interesting, but adding event cards added a new element to the game that was unnecessary.

My theory on game expansions is they should expand, but not over extend the original game.  Expansions should also be limiting. A new game with a similar theme should be created.

Yes all game maker want to create an empire, but endless expansions are over done.  Case in point is Dominion.  There have been so many expansions, so quickly. It’s too much.  Then again I wouldn’t mind more Small World expansions, but maybe that’s just because I love the game.

What are your views on expansions?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Gaming Memories

Another childhood gaming memory I have is of playing Aggravation with my mom’s family.  They weren’t big into gaming. Well not in the same way my dad’s side is. My grandma does play Bridge though.

Aggravation was… well so aggravating. But it was fun. And the game could accommodate a lot of people, which meant more fun. When I was little we would play it all the time with Grandma, sometimes Grandpa. Sometimes we would even get to drink tea from one of Grandma’s special tea cups. It was great. Sure we played Yahtzee too, but Aggravation always stuck in my mind.  Over the years the Aggravation board became well loved.

A few years ago I had taken a trip to NYC. I happened upon a flee market, where I found an unused 1954 (?- it was 50 something) copy of Aggravation!!! OMG!! I gave it to them as a present for the 50th Wedding Anniversary! Sure I only paid $5 for it (now that I think about it should have haggled him down to $3), but the price did not matter. It was what the game represented. It was all those family memories.    

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can you date a non-gamer?

Fortunately I have converted BF to be a gamer, so this is a non-issue. It is still an interesting thing to consider though. Could I date a non-gamer?

I always try to introduce games slowly, as to not scare off the potential BFs. Sometimes they like it, or even fall in love with gaming. Other times they find it too much.  I think the latter cases it would be hard to date them. Gaming is a big part of my life, and a big part of what my family enjoys doing. I don’t think that means non-gamers are automatically screwed in their efforts to date me, but it does put them at a real disadvantage.

I think the bigger factor is if they could date a gamer. Could they handle me going to a game convention for a week? Could they handle me spending lots of money on new games? (Some ladies buy shoes; I buy games!) Or wanting to hang out with other gamers to game? If they can, then it probably has a chance of working out.

I am grateful that my BF is a gamer. Then again I’m into nerds, so I really did not have to try that hard.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Games we love and love to hate

Everyone has their favorite game. It’s that game you just “get”. The strategy was just made for your mind. It could also be the pieces, the art, etc. clicks with you.  Or in the case of a video or phone game, maybe the app or game was really well executed in terms of design. It could even be a game you just love playing even if you do not always win.

Currently that game is Small World.  I loved Vinci and would play it. Small World is definitely more challenging and has more replayability thanks to all the expansions. I just feel like I “get” the game.  Plus it’s a little less dry than Vinci. And now, with Small World Realms (I have, but have not played yet), the game is a lot more customizable. If you are like me, your favorite game changes or evolves over time too.  I used to love Saint Petersburg. Still like it, but my love has faded. It’s also hard for me to just name one favorite game, but I try to keep it at a minimum just for the sake of time. 

There are also games you just don’t “get”. For me this game is Agricola. Yes I have played it a few times. I understand the strategies but cannot execute them at all. Usually a few plays into the game I feel as if I have already lost. I don’t want to feel that. It makes me want to cry. It is not that the game is too hard, it’s just it’s not for me. It’s like dating. Sometimes people are nice but they just are not for you. It happens. The worse is when it happens to a game that is the hot “it” game everyone loves. Gamers in general go through game phases where everyone wants to play the “it” game. It sucks when you are not a fan of the “it” game.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Childhood Game Memories

What are your first gaming memories? Candy Land? Monopoly? Risk? Stratego?

For me it was Survive. Don’t get me wrong. I played those other games too. I might have even played them before I learned Survive. And I am not talking about the cool new edition, but the old school one with those little plastic people that looked like candy and the green Loch Ness serpent monster on the box.  We use to play that game all the time. I hated it when I would get eaten by the monsters.

In fact I was so happy when they reprinted it. Not because I thought it was the best game in the world. (Though now it has beautiful wooden pieces and a Squeeples (Squid Meeples) expansion! It was more for nostalgic reasons. Survive was one of my “gateway” games.  I guess I should start saving money now. The 1982 edition of Survive is currently going on Ebay for $45-100! But how could I not?! Especially for nostalgia. 

The reason why Survive sticks in my head is because it was the first game none of my friends had heard of or played. Everyone has at least heard of Candy Land, Monopoly, Risk and Stratego even if they have not played it. I remember kids at school going “Survive… what is that?!”  Maybe that’s also when I first realized I was different – that I was a gamer?! Who knows? At any rate it is a good childhood gaming memory and might be better if I had an original copy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why I hate “party games”

Hi. My name is Lady of Carcassonne and I hate “party games”. They are not really games. There is no real strategic aspect to them. They are fluff. Not even filler games, but pure fluff. I think they are a waste of the title of game. Most of them are silly, forced interactions with people.  I am fine with people not being as into strategic and Euro games as I am, but please don’t pretend these are real games.


Apples to Apples. I use to like this game. I never loved it. I would never offer to play it, but it did not turn me off as much as it does now. Now whenever anyone wants to play it I want to run the other way.  Unless you play with people you know well, it’s hard to “play to the person”.  I don’t get the point in just throwing something out there just to see if they like it the best (no really Helen Keller isn’t as funny as you think it is). Also this is a game people want to play FOREVER. No please stop this game after you get 10 cards or whatever it says in the rule. This game is so intellectually boring to me, I often play total random card draw unless I really know the people. Even among hardcore gamers, there is a thought of “Hey, I know you aren’t a gamer, but you’ll love Apples to Apples.” Do not fall into this trap. No. No. NO. If your friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and/or whomevers are not gamers try to start them off with Carcassonne or Settlers. Or just accept they are not gamers.

Trivial Pursuit. I consider myself a smart person, but just straight answering trivia questions is not fun for me. Yes it isn’t fun even if I know the answer.  Seriously there is not strategy here. You just answer the questions. No betting on the answers or anything. I guess that’s why I never really got into Jeopardy.  Yes this game is more intellectual. But really what is the point?!

Honestly I’d rather play Candy Land or Monopoly with a little kid than a party game. Why? I can use it as a teaching experience. That’s what the intellectual part of those games are for me. Yes the games might not be hard for a twenty something year old who loves strategic games, but I can teach the kids the importance of counting, thinking ahead, etc. If I can’t play a real strategic or Euro game, I consider teaching kids about games a better use of my time than some silly party game with a bunch of adults.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Game German

My family's first copy of Settlers of Catan was in German.  Fortunately one of my uncles knows German, so we had a personal translator for all our imported games. From that time onwards I started to pick up what I like to call Game German- German words like Spiel, StartSpieler, Spiel des Jahres or Straße. As time went on I began to pick up more and more of these words. Of course I am not [yet?] fluent in German, but I joke with my uncle that he should teach a continuing education course in Game German.  I think I at least know enough German to play Settlers entirely in German... though I might need a refresher on the Development Cards given they are a little bit more complex German for me.  Of course when I actually do need to play a German game with Germans in Germany, they will probably all speak English. Or at least that is what my sister's boyfriend reported when he went to Essen (OMG so jealous).  Maybe that's what I will do when I retire (in hopefully 30ish years), is move to Germany and play German board games all the time!      

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gaming Websites & Forums

Some of you may be wondering why I don’t post these posts somewhere on Board Game Geek.  It is mainly due to I find BGG hard to use.  I only have my game collection on there because the iPhone app makes that easy. I forget (and are not super excited) about recording every game play on there, since that seems too tedious. It would be a nice statistic to have all the games I play if I had the patience that to keep up with it.  The rest of the website is just too busy and overwhelming. I wish the app and website were more user (ie ME) friendly because I would like to engage with gamers on BGG more.

I did, however, just join the GeekandSundry community (as LadyofCarcassonne, who else?!)! I am a big Table Top Fan, so it seemed like a good place to check out. Plus maybe Wil Wheaton will read my suggestions and stop by the World Board Gaming Championship in a few weeks! One can only hope, right?

Monday, July 9, 2012

2012 Spiel des Jahres

All you gamers know about the Spiel des Jahres.  For those who don’t know, this is a big deal. It is the Acadamy Awards of board and card gaming!

Here’s some background quoted from the Spiel des Jahres English translation for those who are unfamiliar with the Game of the Year Award.
[It is] an award for board and card games in German-speaking countries that started in 1979. Eligible are German-speaking games of the present year and the year before. In the year 2001 the award “Kinderspiel des Jahres” (children’s game of the year) and since 2011 "Kennerspiel des Jahres" were established as other principal awards. The awards do not come with pecuniary grants. Awards, i.e. corresponding logos, may be used for advertising purposes and are subject to licence fees. These serve for defraying expenses. “Spiel des Jahres” works as a registered association with its office based in Düren.

Today they announced this year’s Spiel des Jahres winner is Kingdom Builder by Donald X. Vaccarino of Queen Games.  The other nominees were Vegas by Rüdiger Dorn of alea/Ravensburger, and Eselsbrücke by Stefan Dorra and Ralf zur Linde of Schmidt Spiele.

The first time I played Kingdom Builder was at the Xmas Edition of Club Fed.  I instantly fell in love with this complex game. Not only does it have a high replayability, but it had different terrain control mechanics.  The randomly generated board and cards add to the fun.  To me it was the perfect mix of strategy and luck. I have only played this game a few times total.  It still makes my buy list.  There are two expansions, Capitol and Nomads, available. I have yet to play either of those.

2 New YouTube Posts!

I just uploaded 2 YouTube Videos. 

Small World: Realms UNWRAPPED is a celebration of what all gamers hold dear, the unwrapping of a new game! 

World Board Gaming Championship (WBC) is a promo video for WBC, which is a gaming  convention I attend every year.  If you are interested in gaming and want to hang out with a whole bunch of people who game basically 24/7 for a week straight, come check it out!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Games

I am still awaiting the arrival of my copy of Small World: Realms, which should come soon in the mail. There is something poetic about opening a new, shrink-wrapped game. It's like Christmas. You up wrap it to find a bunch of bits for play! Punching out the cardboard pieces, and/or unwrapping the cards, is your first look at the game. How do you play with these bits? 

I can't wait. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Lady, The Myth, The Legend

The Lady: I have been board gaming every since I was born. Well I'm pretty sure that is not quite the case, but ever since I could roll dice. I have attended a board gaming convention every year since I was young. My father and my uncles are the ones who got me into board gaming.  I have already requested to have my father's games willed to me when he dies. (Morbid... I know). Board Gamer for Life... and Death!

The Myth: There are many gaming myths in my family.  My favorite is the story that I am a board gamer because when I was a baby my father would read my the rules to games (new and loved) while I sat in the crook of his knee. It's a cute story. And it's probably true. (I only say probably because I don't remember it.)

The Legend: As with family gaming myths, there are also many family gaming legends. I like the one where my first year of attending the board gaming convention I came in second to the designer of the game in the tournament. That's pretty damn good for a kid.

In an attempt to create an empire and spread the word of gaming you should follow me everywhere!